Health Advice – How long should I take Reflux Tablets for?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Health Advice – How long should I take Reflux Tablets for?

As with all medications, it is necessary to review their use, safety, effectiveness and duration. Reflux medications are no exception. The most commonly prescribed medications for reflux are known as proton pump inhibitors which include, Nexium, Somac, Pariet and Losec. This class of medicines is in fact, the most commonly prescribed group of medications in Australia. These medicines work by suppressing the acid in our gut, hence preventing that heartburn feeling. Ideally, people taking these medicines should be reviewed by their doctor every 4-8 weeks to assess their response to treatment. The aim of therapy is generally to control symptoms, reduce the risk of complications, heal the gut and improve quality of life. If symptoms are well controlled after 4-8 weeks with no complications, your doctor may consider it appropriate to step down to a lower dose and cease the medicine if possible.
